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Android Utility of the Month - Image Class Labeler

Saturday, February 20, 2016

When we find apps that are rare and that can be of large help to our users we instantly pronounce them either as App of the Week or App of the Month. This month we instantly liked Image Class Labeler, mostly because it is unique and secondly because it is really helpful. It is a utility that will help anyone in manually creating large image-based training sets for supervised classification algorithms (neural networks/deep learning).

The app works in a way that it takes a URL to an index file containing links to the image set. After that, the image set can easily be configured by simply serving a public folder containing images directly with Apache. Apache will serve a folder index by default. Please note that Image Class Labeler has been tested on BMP and JPEG images but it will work most like with PNG, WEBP and 
GIF as well. That makes it an outstanding utility.

Get it on Google Play if you need to create large image-based training sets for supervised classification algorithms.

Google Play Download Link: Image Class Labeler


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