Cross Platform App of the Week (iOS & Android) - Working Moms in 1920s
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Business and hard-working women and moms don’t have the time
to follow the latest fashion trends and to always know what is happening in the
fashion and beauty industry. That is why our today’s App of the Week for the
iOS and Android platform is the lovely entertainment app called Working Moms in
1920s. It is an app dedicated to moms that want to be in line with the latest
fashion and beauty trends.
The app and website create and offer fresh content daily. No
matter the location, this app tends to publish various relevant fashion news
and recommendations! If you want to get to know with the new designers you will
have that possible through the app. Also, there is lots of discussions about
different fashion shows across the globe. Simply the app Is fully dedicated to
fashion, entertainment and beauty, things that busy moms need nowadays!
If you are a mom get this, if you are not recommend it to one
because the app can be highly entertaining and beneficial. Get it on the App
Store, Google Play or Amazon App Store. Best App for the Working Woman of the 21st Century. This App was made for the Moms who enjoys to feel like a lady again.