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Cross Platform App of the Week (iOS & Android) – FieldWorkMobility

Friday, January 22, 2016

Our best app for this week for iOS and Android is the business productivity app called FieldWorkMobility. Specially designed to help field agents to work more efficiently and to enable the management better overview and allocation of tasks, FieldWorkMobility has quickly gained large customer base because of the great set of features, design and simplicity. This app contains Auto Dialer and the best mobile CRM you will find in one Android or iOS app.

It is useful for both field agents and companies. The field agents will have clear overview of their work, while the companies will manage and support their field workforce easily within the app.
With the app you will be able to set up your own custom contact features, dialer export, manage, report, delete, import contacts. You can add reminders, tasks, notes, create custom folders with contacts and leads and even create and send customized SMS and emails.

It is one of the most advanced dialer app that will be extremely handy in the following industries: Insurance Services, Real Estate, Home Improvement, Installation and Repair Services, Recruiting and Stuffing Service etc. 

The app is free and available on Google Play and App Store.

App Store Download Link: FieldWorkMobility

Google Play Download Link: FieldWorkMobility


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