Android Game of the Day - 9 Men's Morris Fantasy Duals
Friday, January 22, 2016
9 Men's Morris Fantasy Duals is an amazing board game that
was recently introduced for the Android platform. This ultra-interesting game
is actually an ancient Roman board game. The developers of this amazing game
worked really hard to integrate a real time multi player feature. They’ve
managed to do an amazing job and now you can play together with a random
opponent or with your Facebook friends.
This is important as this strategy board game is for two
players. The board has a great with 24 intersections or points.
How to play
Each player has nine pieces, or "men", usually
colored black and white. Players try to form 'mills'— three of their own men
lined horizontally or vertically—allowing a player to remove an opponent's man
from the game. A player wins by reducing the opponent to two pieces (where he
could no longer form mills and thus be unable to win), or by leaving him
without a legal move.
The game proceeds in three phases:
*Placing men on vacant points
*Moving men to adjacent points
*(optional phase) Moving men to any vacant point when a
player has been reduced to three men
This board game was largely played in our offices in the
last few days. There are 3 different difficulty levels and the fans of board
games simply must try this out! Get it for free on Google Play.