Android App of the Day – DailyMoodz
Friday, January 29, 2016
The mood tracker apps are an interesting way to see what
type of persons we truly are and how can we improve ourselves. The mood
actually plays crucial part in our daily activities, so if we are constantly having bad
mood and mood swings, we need to track it and try to change it to better. One
of the best apps to do that is certainly the relatively new app called Daily
Besides acting like a mood tracker, this app can be categorized as a social app because it combines the mood tracking with the
features of the popular social networks. This means that you can share your
mood, see how people around you are feeling, upload photos, comment and
basically do anything to express your emotional state of mind.
All you have to do is create an account and check in mood to
map. You can comment & share and even see trending moods. You can interact
with other users and basically tell other how you are feeling in a particular
moment. The app has great idea, is perfectly functional and anybody can find it
useful. Get it for free on Google Play!