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Android App of the Day - TimeDock - Staff Time Clock

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Our today’s App of the Day – TimeDock will offer great solution for business in which work time is crucial. It can help and save 10%-30% on weekly wages and say goodbye to the employees that are inaccurate and trying to trick the managers by working less. The TimeDock app will have every employee registered when entering and leaving the workplace and it will exactly show how much time he has spent working. Everything will be visible in the time-sheet that the managers can access online.

The process of using TimeDock is really simple. You need to sign up at http://timedock.com, then you need to add all employees. After that print and laminate employee barcode – ID badges. When the staff starts working they need to present the ID badges to a supervisor in order the ID to get scanned. This is needed to see when the job has started and when it ends.

That is it, everything is then visible and manageable on http://secure.timedock.com and you can review everything there. Get the app for free and register for a 14 day free trial on the app’s website.

Google Play Download Link: TimeDock


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