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Android App of the Day - Risaala: Email-SMS gateway

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Email-SMS Gateway is an excellent Android app that will help you communicate from email to SMS. It is a simple and useful communication app that can help you organize your workers and to do mass marketing or automated communication. The app has clean and intuitive UI and everything is just highly functional. We have used the app for the last few days and we must say that we are impressed!

Risaala will also let you to associate certain phone numbers with names and use them to send them instructions or anything other by SMS. This app can be used in many situations, but according to the developer it was first designed to stay in touch with the engineers in the field. As they developed it, they realized that the uses of the app are broader. This is an excellent tool that anyone should have in their phones. Get it for free on Google Play. 

Google Play Download Link: Risaala: Email-SMS Gateway

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