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App Review - Fitness Match: Expert Personal Training Straight From Your Phone or Tablet

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Whether you want to finally acquire that chiselled look that you've always wanted (think sexy abs and tight musculature) or simply want to keep it your body fit in the long run, there is no denying the fact that seeking the aid of a personal trainer could really go a long way in fulfilling your fitness and bodybuilding goals. The benefits of hiring one are already without question. The key lies in finding the perfect workout partner that would fit your needs and pave the way to achieving your dream body. And Fitness Match could very well be the platform where you can do all of these - and more.

This app, after all, serves as a bridge between you and a personal trainer of your choosing, making it possible for you to be coached solely from your mobile device. Besides this main feature, it also provides users with more than 20 health and fitness goals to choose from. No doubt, carefully planning your fitness goals has a long-term importance. And this app makes it easier for you to do this through its prepared fitness goal plans. Its excellent search function provides users with a comprehensive list of the expertise, achievements, past clients, and other profile details of each of the personal trainers available.

The app also bases its search on the proximity of the personal trainer. It is able to find the nearest ones available in a 5-mile radius, so you wouldn't have a hard time contacting and meeting if need be. Contacting each personal trainer is not at all difficult, for you need only to fill out a contact form, which will be promptly sent to the trainer's email address. If you mean to mark a favorite or prospective trainer, then you can add him to your Saved Contacts list.

If you yourself are a personal trainer, on the other hand, then know that this app could serve as a means to make you available to a wider audience and clientele. Once your profile is up and running, you need only to wait for potential clients to contact you via email. Flaunt your physique by uploading your photos (you can upload 5 at most). Even if you tend to change locations frequently, know that Fitness Match also has multiple location support. As you can see, the opportunities in furthering your career are virtually limitless with this app.

Simply put, Fitness Match is a step above other fitness apps because it has pioneered the incorporation of direct interaction with a personal trainer entirely through a mobile device, may it be an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. The same can't be said for certain fitness apps, like the ones which only give the user a set of exercises to do daily, with a specific time set for each workout. Or others that claim that the app itself serves as the "personal trainer" because it adapts to the user, changing the degree of the workouts according to his performance.

While the effectiveness of these apps has been proven by positive reviews about them, they are still lacking one important factor which Fitness Match can only provide. And, it is obviously none other than the proven advantages of having a personal trainer, who would guide and motivate you all the way. And, this sole factor, this "missing link", really makes all the difference in the world, as a lot of successful "losers" and bodybuilders who relied on personal trainers could attest.

App Store Download Link: Fitness Match


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