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Android App of the Day - Babble!

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The new social networking app called Babble! is our App of the Day for few good reasons. First of all it is unique, second of all its concept is great and third of all it is easy to use and works with great other social networks. All you have to do is to install the app, there are no registrations or boring verifications. You can use the app anonymously. 

The idea of the app is that each users shares something interesting or useful to the other users. It could be a great discount or deal you have found while shopping, or it could be a great club or bar while you are some where partying. The possibilities are endless.

You can follow and see the trending topics, or you can create ones yourself. You can comment, like or dislike and even enjoy private messaging with other users. You can share babbles on other social networking apps like Twitter or you can share the babbles on Kik, LINE, Whatsapp and even SMS.

The app is totally free and it is currently trending in the Social category on Google Play. Get it for free and start enjoying beautiful things.

Google Play Download Link: Babble!


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