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iOS App of the Day – Nano Bear Rainforest Animals

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Our today’s iOS App of the Day – Nano Bear Rainforest Animals is intended for the little ones. It is a free educational app that you can download for free on the App Store. The goal of the game is the kids to learn the different animals through fun and interesting photos. It is an app that will enable learning through play. It has wonderful baby friendly interface and great graphics. The drawing of the animals is beautiful and creative.

The game contains 11 animals that need to be explored and there are 4 different quizzes that need to be solved. Please note that the quizzes are easy flash-card type of quizzes, so your kids will have no problem in solving them. The background sounds is also very gentle, fun and kid friendly. On top of that you can change different languages according to your needs. Nano Bear Rainforest Animals is totally free and it is best for kids 0-3.

App Store Download Link: Nano Bear Rainforest Animals


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