App Review - Period & Ovulation Tracker
Friday, June 5, 2015
Period & Ovulation Tracker is a new iOS app that will enable you simple,
but yet extremely accurate, information regarding your menstrual cycle and
ovulation period. All you have to do is to enter your data and the app will do
its thing.
You need to mark the beginning and the end date of your
period and the duration. On top of that the app gives you information to add
notes about the flow, spotting, common PMS symptoms etc. This will be great
information to have for future periods. Nevertheless, after you do that Period
& Ovulation Tracker will calculate and predict future periods.
The app will additionally send you notifications, just to
keep you informed. It will serve you as a period diary. We also got to inform
you that the app calculates the ovulation date based on the Body Basal
Temperature, cervical mucuc, ovulation symptoms, saliva ferning and ovulation
prediction kit test data. That is why we are sure that you won’t find more
precise app than this one.
You will also get information about your most fertile days
i.e the days when the chances for conceiving are the highest. Another feature
we liked is that it will calculate the chances of conceiving a boy or a girl
based on the scientific methods like Shettles and the Whelan method. It will
also remind you when to make pregnancy test.
So, at the end of the day, it is easy to conclude that
having this app on your iOS device can be really useful. It can be useful for
any woman that wants to get pregnant, or wants to avoid pregnancy. It contains
tons of useful information, possibility to create diary, and it displays
accurate and relevant information. The app is completely free and you can get
it on the App Store.