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App of the Week - MyHistory

Saturday, June 20, 2015


This week’s App of the Week is the excellent, creative and unique lifestyle app called MyHistory. It is a cross platform app that will act as your personal diary in which you keep stories of your life. It is an app that will enable you to record and keep the most important events in your life and the people related to them. Don’t ever forget the moment you kissed under that tree, or the night where you and your friends had an amazing party night.

MyHistory is a private app, nothing will get posted on the social media. All you have to do is to create a profile. After that you can also create profiles of your closest people. The app then will give you the ability to record memories in the form of photos and videos. You can even get reminded for the important events in your life, like anniversaries, birthdays or any other type of celebrations. On top of that MyHistory will enable you to create backup of your data, and store it on your computer or on the cloud.

MyHistory is neatly designed for both platforms. It has clean, modern looks with highly functional and intuitive UI. Get it for free on the App Store and Google Play or read more about it on the web.

Google Play Download Link: MyHistory

App Store Download Link: MyHistory

Website: MyHistory


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