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Android App of the Day - Freebie Rocket

Monday, June 15, 2015

Our today’s Android App of the Day will enable you great amazing samples, coupons, products and product trials on your Android device. We accidentally found it in the new section of the Lifestyle category and we were really amazed about the amount of free staff you can get with it. Most importantly since installing this app 3 days ago, several new product trials and coupons were added. That means that the app is regularly updated and maintained.

There are various type of products included in the app. The developers are working hard and they are in search of new products every day. This is a really useful app to have on the phone. We have already sealed the deal on two products. We will keep it because it is a great app. It is no wonder that in just few days this app has gained positive reviews from its users. Get it for free on Google Play.

Google Play Download Link: Freebie Rocket


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