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App Review – TipSee

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

TipSee is a cross-platform app that will enable you to track, register and follow all of your tips. The app has several features that can be really useful to you as a worker. First of all, it offers you to add tips everyday and keeps all of your tips in a calendar view. In that way you will have clear view of how much tips you have earned in any particular day and time. 

Adding a tip on TipSee is easy. All you need to do is to press on particular date, add the total amount of tips, enter the working hours and add the info. After that your information will be shown on the calendar. You can do that for each day and thus you can keep track of each dollar you make with your tips.

The app also has summary view in which your earnings are shown in much different and detailed way. There is info about how much you have earned in that particular day, month, year, which was your highest and lowest earning day etc. Additionally, you can see how much tips you are getting depending on the day in the week. The summary view is an excellent analysis tool.
TipSee can automatically backup data and you can easily export the data to other devices. Additionally, you can also import data from other data sources. 

You can also add multiple jobs and change the background. The pro version of the app offers some neat features as well. For example the pro version offers advanced search, tip outs and even tip tracking by client. 

TipSee is probably the best cross-platform app for tracking and analysis of your tips. The app is highly functional, neatly organized and has great set of features. The pro version offers even better and more comprehensive features. At the end of the day this app has convinced us that it is high quality and worth keeping, especially if you are a worker that gets tips frequently.
App Store Download Link: TipSee
Google Play Download Link: TipSee
Google Play Download Link PRO: TipSee
Website: TipSee

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