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App of the Month (Cross Platform) – TheGoosh Radio, one of the best radio stations in the world

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

The most used and most loved app in our offices for this month is the outstanding TheGoosh Radio. This simple, yet incredible, music radio app contains tons of electronic and dance music that plays nonstop.
As an experienced listener of this music genre and visitor of many dance parties I must say that the music selection is top class, urban and tasteful. I don’t know from where they drain and play all this astonishing dance music, but I got to thank them for that.
From recently the developers added even psytrance and chill out  music into their playlists, which again makes TheGoosh Radio one of the best radio stations in the world.

The app doesn’t have ads, it works with an easy to use and simple player and that is it. You can use it while you chill at your office, or while you play games on your iOS or Android devices. On my mid-range Android device with slow to average 3G connection I have never experienced any lags or delays. That is why I’m slightly amazed by this app.
TheGoosh Radio has huge user base, it is listened to more than 180 countries according to their statistics. We predict that TheGoosh Radio will become even bigger music app hit in the next few months. Try it, it is free for both platforms or on the web!

App Store Download Link: The Goosh Radio

Google Play Download Link: The Goosh Radio

Web Player: The Goosh Radio



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