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Android App of the Day – NBS Central

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Our today’s app of the day – NBS Central App is a talk show about sports. The NBS stands for Nothing but Sports, which shows what this lovely app is really about. Created by young entusiasists that adore sports, NBS Central App involves sports interviews, updates, debates and much more. Please note that actual and past sports events are included in the app. The sports show goes live in Tuesday evening, so you may tune in then.
The great thing about this app is that each show is recorded and available through the app. So, you can easily hear and enjoy the show from 3 weeks ago when the fight between Mayweather – Pacquiao was held and was one of the most interesting sport events in the world. This app is for people that love sports and that just want to hear different people opinion about one of the biggest and most important world sport events.

Google Play Download Link: NBS Central App


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