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App of the Day – HeadyUp

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

HeadyUp is a new Photo & Video app that we think that it will conquer the world of social photo apps. Produced in Switzerland from company that is already getting millions in investments, HeadyUp amazed us with its functionality, clean design and unique features.

HeadyUp is an app which will show precisely what is happening around you. It will do that in real time without any filter at all! The photos are presented in very compelling and pleasant manner and the app will constantly adapt to your location and it will provide you with only relevant photos anywhere you go throughout the day.

All photos are sorted by distance and time. You can easily connect with your friends or family, but also with people that are physically near you. For example if you are in a bar, and some other user of the app is in that bar, you can easily connect with that person.

On top of that HeadyUpp enables you to add songs to your picture. More specifically you can chose from 52 million songs.

Talking to the developers they assured us that they are working day & night in order to improve HeadyUp. It is obvious to see that big things are destined for the app and this developers. So, get the app for free and start sharing photos and enjoy the app.

App Store Download Link: HeadyUp


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