Game of the Day – WordBender – Free Word Search Game
Saturday, February 14, 2015
We love quality, interesting and challenging brain games.
Well, our Game of the Day, the lovely WordBender, is a game like that. This is
such an addictive brain training game, believe us you will have a great time. WordBender can be a great boost for your brain in the morning, or it can enable
you fun times while you chill at your home.
The goal is simple, you need to connect as much words as
possible. The game has nice fonts, great tasteful design, pleasant colors and
challenging levels. The game has entertaining daily challenges as well. This could
be definitively your daily brain exercise. It can definitely improve cognitive
function, memory and focus. You can do this in a fun and challenging way.
WordBender is available for free on the App Store. It is optimized for iPhone,
iPad or iPod Touch. We are definitely keeping this on our devices for a long
time. Outstanding game!