Game of the Day - Super Flaming Ferret Jetpack Sonic Jump
Friday, February 27, 2015
Super Flaming Ferret Jetpack Sonic Jump is a free iOS game
that caught our attention with its lovely gameplay, funny and cool main
character - Flaming Ferret and the lovely graphics and sounds. It seems like
some extremely talented developers worked on this game as it is both
challenging and graphically compelling and unique.
Like I said, the gameplay is very unique and innovative. You
need to blast off the rocket and then the fun starts. The goal of Super Flaming
Ferret Jetpack Sonic Jump is simple. You need to reach the finish line at each
level. There are 48 levels that are created differently and that are fun and
challenging. Additionally the game includes 3 bonus levels. To make things even
more interesting there are 3 exciting worlds to explore: woodlands, ice capades
and candy.
The soundtrack of this game is lovely. There are also
interesting effects that will make you enjoy the game even more.
Get Super Flaming Ferret Jetpack Sonic Jump on the App Store
for free and we promise you will get hours of incredible fun each day.