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App of the Day – Secretly Admiring

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Our today’s app of the day is the great, intriguing and lovely desktop app called Secretly Admiring. The app has simple goal. It lets you find out who secretly admires you and helps you discover if you have chemistry with the person you secretly admire. The app acts like a social network and it can be really fun especially if you are single.
You need to create profile on www.secretlyadmiring.com. After that you’ll need to add certain details about you, add profile photo and share some information about yourself. From then on you can use the app in order to find your admirers. You can also search for your own admirers, some one that is into you. There is a lovely location search function that can enable you to find admirers near you.

You can send or receive messages, so the app has in-built messaging system. You can easily gift or receive gifts and you can find some really cool stuff in this section.

So, this app is surely something new and creative. Secretely Admiring will soon become a mobile app as well. You could use the app to find your crush or maybe your future love. We made our profiles and we are definitely going to search around.

Website app link: www.secretlyadmiring.com

Facebook page link: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Secret-Admirer-App/444445265683887


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