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App of the Day - Spartan Internet & Web Browser

Friday, January 30, 2015

If you are in search for new mobile internet browser then stop. Our App of the Day – Spartan Internet & Web Browser is the perfect choice for you. Packed in one of the lightest and simplest designs, this internet browser is extremely fast and highly responsive. We have used it for a while and we must say that we are impressed.

It has various features and functions that are neat and useful. There is an incognito mode, it works with Adobe Flash Player, there are integrated search engines and it safe and secure. What I liked about Spartan is that it is perfectly optimized to work with the social networks, you definitely won’t need additional apps for Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin because it opens and loads them very fast. It is also very light, only 1,89 MB in size. It works with the majority of the popular Android mobile manufacturers. Get this excellent browser for free on Google Play.

Google Play Download Link: Spartan Internet & Web Browser


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