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Game of the Day – MyWeed – Grow Weed

Saturday, October 18, 2014

The free casual game called MyWeed – Grow Weed is our Game of the Day. It is an ultra-fun Android game that will definitely entertain you with its cool main character – marijuana plant. You can give name to your plant and make it yours. Isn’t that fun? You must take care of it, grow it, water it, and fertilize it so it becomes nice looking plant. 
In the whole process of taking care of the plant, you will play mini-games that will earn you money and you can buy interesting stuff from the shop. Playing mini-games with a marijuana plant can be really entertaining. The game offers some great customization features and it offers you different seeds to choose from. It has great design, drawings and game play. The developers seem to be very creative and fun people. Get it for free on Google Play and enjoy the growing.

Google Play Download Link: MyWeed-Grow Weed


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