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App of the Week - Pegg'd

Friday, August 29, 2014

The excellent and unique social networking app Pegg’d is our App of the Week. This exclusive and simply outstanding ultimate social calendar is one of my most used apps from recently. 

So how to start using Pegg'd and what it will offer you? You need to sign up and the sign up process is extremely easy. You can sign up with your Facebook, Twitter or Google. The great thing is that it is a social network as them as well. So you can follow the people you know and invite them on Pegg’d. 

Instead of feed filled with photos, news and top stories, Pegg’d includes Event Feed. It will wrap up all of the events near your location and give you basic information about them and who of your friends are going. Additionally you can buy tickets from within the app and communicate with friends to go there together. 

Pegg'd is great for exploring events, because it includes tons of events and it is constantly updated. When you find a future event that you like you can peg the event and that is how the event will be pegged to your calendar. When you peg an event, your friends will see that you are going and you can discus and plan things together. All pegged events sync on your all iOS devices.

As I said because Pegg’d is also a social network you can create your own profile with profile picture and information about yourself. The people that are following you can see your events, photos and send you a message.

Pegg’d is fresh and innovative social networking app and I think it will be huge success because it has clear goal, beautiful design and offers great service. Try it, it is free and available for devices with iOS 6.0 or later.

App Store Download Link: Pegg’d 

Developer: Pegg'd 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PeggdEvents 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/peggdevents


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