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App of the Week - Know Your Time, Improve Your Life with App Habits

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Have you ever wondered how much time you spent on certain apps on your Android devices? Our App of the Week - App Habits will show you just that and even more. This free productivity app will show you detailed stats about your behavior. How much you spend on calls, reading emails or playing that addicting game? The app will make you understand which apps are not useful and are unneeded on your phone.

App Habits will automatically create lists with the most used apps of all time and most used apps in a particular day. The journal will enable you to view to see your habits in any day in the past. You can also view the statistics in the amazingly compelling graphs. The unused apps feature will show you which apps you need to remove or start thinking to remove.

The notification feature is also great for saving times. App Habits will show you the most used apps in your notification bar and you can access them directly from there. In the app there is also a Smart Launcher that is consisted from your favorite and most used apps, which can also save you time. Try it, it is free and available on Google Play.

Google Play Download Link: App Habits

Category: Productivity

Developer: Orthogonal Minds


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