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App of the Day – PinballDJ

Sunday, August 17, 2014

The outstanding free music app called Pinball DJ is our App of the Day. If you like creating music, then you surely love PinbalDJ, it is unique and it offers creative and outstanding revolutionary music engine. This engine will enable you to create neat beats and music compositions that will sound both professional and dope.

The app includes tool kits with great selection of sounds. There is also a toolkit called pong that includes sampled ping-pong balls. There are also beatbox, synts and dub-step toolkit. You can easily share your compositions and also import other compositions from your friends. The in-app purchases can get you more toolkits and the ability to record your samples and compositions.

The app has great Pinball looking design and UI. It is fast and really easy to use. Congrats to the developers, because this app is something special and I think it can achieve huge success. Try it, it is free and available for devices with iOS 6.1 or later and it is optimized for the iPhone 5. 

 App Store Download Link: PinballDJ


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