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App of the Day – ONE

Sunday, August 24, 2014

When you have problems you always search for a solution. Well I’m sure you have solved so many problems in your life, like many other people. Our today’s App of the Day - ONE, will help you to share your story and experience on various life topics.
The goal is to help each other and to discuss on various topics that could be beneficial for all of the app’s users. ONE is a social networking app because everyone could read and comment on any story or topic.

When you share your story and it is really helpful, then the creators of ONE will selected together with other stories and create a How To Guides and e-books on different life topics. Everyone can create a story and view the current topics. You can also share your own topic idea, for example you can speak about some topic that you want to hear other people’s opinions.

The app also contains photo gallery that will enable you to share your own photo with the ONE logo. If you upload it, that means you support the app and the movement and they will share it on the app and on the social media.

One has great idea, excellent UI and design and I think it is one of the most creative and promising new apps.

Google Play Download Link: ONE


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