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App of the Day – Hapn

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

The free Photo&Video and Social Networking app called Hapn is our App of the Day. The app has great idea. It gives you to option to create a “hap” – a neat and compelling photo news stream created from events from your personal life. You can share this photo stream to your friends or publicly. Of course, the app allows comments on every photo stream you share and that is where the fun starts.

You can share, joke and comment with your friends on photos from private events or you can share the photo stream publicly to your followers. There are also interesting customization features like different text fonts, colors or changing the opacity or rotate the pictures. You can also share news or any other links that you think are interesting or useful.

Hapn will also enable you to follow the people you don’t know, but with who you share similar or the same interests and interact with them in several ways.

The design and the functionality of Hapn are flawless. Everything is smooth and nicely organized. The UI is intuitive and everything is tidy and up to the point. The app requires iOS 7.0 or later and it is optimized for iPhone 5. The app is relatively new, but it is already receiving 5 star reviews on the App Store. Try it, it is free, fresh, quality and entertaining app!  

App Store Download Link: Hapn


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