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App of the Day – FoodTweeks

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Today we are going to talk about one great idea that is executed through the iOS and Android app called FoodTweeks. This app will enable you to lose the bad and unneeded calories, but also to donate to the hungry families in your community. I’m going to explain the process bellow.

First you need to tell the app what you plan to eat. Then the app will suggest you what callories you can cut from that meal or it will suggest you another meal with less calories. The more calories you save, the bigger your donation will be. If you share the calories you saved, you will double the donation.

The Foodtweeks team will make a donation to a local food bank every time you use the app to remove calories from your food. These food banks later will distribute the same number of nutritious calories to feed the hungry child and their family. Pretty simple right?

FoodTweeks is getting pretty popular, but still it needs bigger and wider reach. I hope they will get it. The apps are flawless and they already receiving great numbers of 5 star reviews on the App Store and Google Play. Try the apps, lose weight and help the hungry families in your community.

Google Play Download Link: FoodTweeks

App Store Download Link: FoodTweeks

Website: FoodTweeks


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