Wednesday, May 14, 2014

App of the Day - Social Loto Pool

It is extremely hard to win the lottery. But the possibility is bigger if there are many lottery tickets put in one large loto pool, which creates greater chances for winning the lottery. Our today's app of the day is an app created for that purpose. Social Loto Pool will help you win the lottery and let us see how.

The company behind the app buys the tickets and then puts them into pools of your choice. You can securely buy state lottery tickets within the app anad the games included are: Millions, Powerball, and Decades of Dollars.

After you buy the ticket then the employee at Social Loto Pool puts it into a pool of your choice, but first he verifies i.e scannes it and enters it into the database for auditing. After that, the receipt is emailed to the purchaser.When the draw is finished, the automated software assigns each member their winnings.

However Social Loto Pool splits the winnings evenly, unlike other similar pools. Your winnings depend on how many tickets you got into the pool. The app shows the top backers in every pool, so you will now how much percentage you will get from every winning of that pool.

Try Social Loto Pool, it is free and quality loto app that will increase the possibility to win the lottery and to make money. You can also try their website.

Google Play Download Link: Social Loto Pool