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App of the Day – Safetify

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Today our App of the Day is the excellent and unique free iOS app called Safetify. The app is very simple and based on an interesting idea. It will watch over you when you are about to do something risky and adventurous. You just need to inform the app what you are about to do and how long it will take you. Then you need to enter the name of your close friends or family in case something happens to you and that is it. 

If you finish your activity, lets suppose that you are surfing, then Safetify will inform the person you included that your surfing finished successfully. They can also see the location of your activity and comment, call you and chat about your activity. You must admit that the idea of the app is great and that it is another way to feel safer and to have more fun. Try it, it is free and available on the App Store for devices with iOS 7.0 or later.

App Store Description

Safetify watches after you when you are about to do something risky.

How it works:

1. Enter what you are about to do and how long it will take you.

2. Do what you want to do at ease, knowing there is someone watching after you ;-)

3. If you don't finish your activity on time, Safetify will notify one of your friends or family members and let them know what you went to do and where your last location was. They can then contact you to check if you are fine.

App Store Download Link: Safetify

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