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App of the Day – Knovio: Free Video Presentation App

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Today our App of the Day is the free iOS productivity app called Knovio. It is an unique app that will enable you to make compelling and remarkable online video presentations using your iPad.  The best thing is that you can use your PowerPoint presentations to add your personal lecture about certain subject. That is how you can demo your product, teach a course or market some of your services using Knovio.

You can import the Power Point presentations within the app, make the video and then share it on various social networks and send it via email. The app can use your front or rear iPad camera, which guarantees the quality of your video presentations. Get this excellent video creation app that will surely improve your video presentations and thus improve and develop your professional career.

App Store Description
Making compelling online video presentations has never been easier! Use iPad's built-in video camera and microphone to add your own personal commentary and narration to slides and images. Explain a concept, pitch an idea, demo a product, teach a course, advocate a cause, market a service -- there are literally thousands of ways to use Knovio.

1.) Use Knovio to open any PowerPoint presentation from Mail attachments or cloud storage (such as Dropbox, Box, Evernote, or GDrive);
2.) Turn on your iPad microphone or camera and record your audio or video narration; and
3.) Share it by emailing it, tweeting it, or posting it to LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or G+.

Make a mistake while recording? No worries! Knovio's unique editor allows you easily to go back and re-record your commentary on any slide or section.
Powered by KnowledgeVision’s award-winning online presentation technology, Knovio makes it simple to show, explain, teach, demo, or document just about anything. You can even use it to rehearse a big presentation you’ll be giving to a live audience.

·Open PowerPoint files in Knovio from email or most IOS cloud storage applications
·Record video narration with either the front-facing or rear-facing iPad camera
·Record audio narration with either the built-in iPad microphone or a plug-in microphone
·View current, next, and previous slides in a slide browser
·Automatically import speaker notes from your PowerPoint presentation files
·Enter additional speaker notes for each slide using iPad’s keyboard or iPad’s speech-to-text capability
·Preview your presentation before publishing
·Re-record commentary for any slide or section of your presentation if you need to make a change
·Publishes presentations in seconds
·All presentations, media, and audio are stored automatically on KnowledgeVision's secure PresentationCloud®
·Share your multimedia presentation with the world or keep it private
·View presentations from any browser -- desktop or mobile -- without special software or app
·Each finished presentation gets its own unique URL for sharing in email, on websites, or in blogs
·Easy posting to LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and G+
·Track how your presentation is being viewed
·Get a free KnowledgeVision Personal Edition account with every registration
·View, share, and analyze presentations in KVCentral from any desktop or mobile browser
·Compatible with KnowledgeVision Basic, Professional, Corporate, and Enterprise Editions
·Use your corporate KnowledgeVision credentials, or create your own personal account
- iPad with camera
- IOS 7 only

Visit KnovioMobile.com for more on Knovio’s features and applications, and OnlinePresentations.com for ideas and best practices on online presentations.

Knovio, KnowledgeVision, and PresentationCloud are registered trademarks of KnowledgeVision Systems Incorporated. Other trademarks by their respective companies.

App Store Download Link: Knovio

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