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App of the Day – Easy Charge

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Have you ever been in situations when someone owes you money, but doesn’t have cash in him to pay you. Well, today we are going to present you one simple that will help you in such situations. With Easy Charge you will be able to ask for direct payments via PayPal with a message. Of course, you can pay with your credit or debit card, but the payment needs to be done through PayPal.

This will definitely spare time and it will save you from uncomfortable situations. The app also can be used by business to charge certain services from your customers. The payment message can be sent as a text message, an email, with Airdrop, QR code or you can even charge the payer on your actual device!  

Easy Charge is indeed great app and it is free and available on the AppStore. Use this app to send a payment request to the payer who then pays at internationally recognized payments site PayPal.

App Store Description

When someone owes you money and they haven't got cash, ask for payment with EasyCharge!

An EasyCharge payment request is a simple message asking someone to pay you. The message includes a link to pay with PayPal just like you would see on a website. The payer can pay with their PayPal account or their Credit or Debit Card.

Get Paid Fast!

App Store Download Link: Easy Charge


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