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App of the Day – Palberry

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Here at Intellectuapp we always respect unique and creative apps. Pallbery is one of them and that is why it is our App of the Day. Pallberry will let you organize your photos according to the location you take them at. After you start using Pallbery, it will show you photos from the exact location you took them, using your GPS. But Pallbery is a lot more, so lets see what it can do for your and how to start using it.

After you register and create account you can start using the app and access your account on www.palberry.com. That means that you can access, view, edit and share the photos from the website as well as from the app. The website has big world map, which looks really stunning and it represents a social profile. You can add friends, send email invitations and view their photos.

That means that you can use Pallberry as a way of sharing files and photos as well. You can upload photos and files to your account, which later your friends can use or download. Another cool feature is that you can print your photos directly from the app.

I love the idea of the app. It will enable you to view photos in unique way, according to the exact location of the photos. On top of that it is integrated with Google Maps, so through the pointers you will easily find the desired photo. Additionally, you can also search photos according to the date you took them at. The app is smooth, fast and easy to use. It is free and available on Google Play.

Google Play Download Link: Pallberry

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