Phone Home will present information about you to the person who finds your phone. You can enter your Name, alternative phone, email and even reward to the finder of your phone, so you make sure that he calls you back. The app is programed in that way that it will appear as soon as the finder tries to activate the phone. It is great that this app works without a network, so even if the finder or stealer changes the SIM, the app will show up after every activation.
This will surely motivate the finder to return your phone. It will be much easier for the good people to find you and return it to you and the reward is for the greedy people that still want to earn from what they found.
The themes and the UI are smooth and cool. The app works flawlessly and it doesn’t drain any battery at all. So, it is a light, compelling and useful app that is good to have for the unwanted situations.
Google Play
Download Link: Phone Home