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App of the Day – Keyword Revolution

Sunday, December 29, 2013

There are all sorts of different keyboards for Android. However, I don’t think you ever heard of an app that includes 10 different keyboards. Keyword Revolution is a personalization app that will make your communication much cooler, easier and more compelling with all the awesome keywords it includes. It includes 10 different keyboard backgrounds that will make your user experience much more joyful.

The keyword is professionally done, like every other popular Android keyboard. It will learn your words, but instead of the boring look of the stock keyboard it will offer you much bigger keyboard with big and beautiful letters that will be joy to press and to look at. The font is really neat and stylish. However, you don’t have to stick with one particular font or keyboard because there are 10 other templates waiting for you. The goal of the developers is to never get bored with one keyboard.

The installation of this keyboard is very simple. Go to Settings, Language and Input and then select Keyword Revolution. That is it, now you will have fresh, cool and lovely keyboards that will make your texting fresher and much more enjoyable.

I’ve been using this app for a while and I have to say that is one of the best new personalization apps available on Google Play. The developers got my respect, not only with the look of the app and the templates, but also with how flawless and fast the keyword is. It worked perfectly and very fast on my mid-range Android smartphone and tablet.

Google Play Download Link: Keyword Revolution

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