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App of the Day – Feel safe and secure with Rescue SOS Emergency

Monday, October 21, 2013

Have you ever experienced stressful situations in which you couldn’t get to help, or the needed help arrived too late? Then you need to stop worrying, because today we are going to present you one quality app that will help you in such situation and it will increase your safety.

Rescue SOS Emergency (be SAFE) is an emergency, rescue and SOS system for Android mobile devices. You can use it when you take risky trips, riding your motorbike, hike etc. The app can be active non-stop. What is also great is that most of the processes are automatic. For example the app turns itself off when you stop at a service station (when you take a road trip).

When an emergency is detected, this app will send alerts to the closest contacts you have already pre-selected and to the National, State or any other emergency services you choose. The alerts may include your name, ID number, location of the accident, your age and even medical information such as allergies, medication and blood group.

Additionally this app can send your picture in alerts and record audio, video and images during the emergency.

After you install the app, you’ll need to do a lengthy and detailed sign up in order to get the maxim security. The main menu gives you 4 customizable features: Accidents, Proximity, Time Based and Manual. For every one of these features you can enter your personal information and settings. After that you are safe when some unfortunate events happen.

The app’s UI is very intuitive and flawless. Also, the team from woow apps is extremely supportive and they will help you if you have any issue or problem with some features or functions. The app has amazing 4.9 rating and 192 reviews.

Google Play Download Link: Rescue SOS Emergency (Feel SAFE)


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