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Box for Android now supports multiple profiles and offline editing of files in real time

Monday, August 19, 2013

Box is a free cloud storage and it’s Android app recently got a new update, that I as user of Box liked very much. For all of you that haven’t heard of Box, it is a service similar to DropBox, Google Drive, SkyDrive, iCloud and other web storages which enable storing of files, photos, documents in the cloud. They offer the possibility to access all these files from any place or device that has internet connection.

Box is much faster and easy to use than most of the clouds I mentioned before, so if you are new to the cloud services I recommend trying it.

The new update offers: support for access to the storage through multiple profiles; redesigned feed that displayed news about changes to files in the cloud (for example if you edit common document with another user), support for changing the size of the Android widget, better organization of files in folders via the mobile interface and offline editing of files in real-time.

Google Play Download Link: BOX


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