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Feedly - the best RSS reader for Android

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Now that Google Reader is officially dead, Feedly now is the best rss feed reader for Android and it basically has no competition when it comes to RSS feeds. Great portion of the users of Google Reader transferred to Feedly, not just because this app is great, but also because the migration from GReader and the transfer of the subscriptions was very easy.

Indeed, Feedly for Android is neatly designed and quality application, which will look simple to use to the people that were already using some other RSS service. However, the users that never used any RSS feed readers, and Feedly is their first RSS reader, may have some difficulties at first. Unlike Google Reader, who was more simple and easy to use, Feedly is concentrated on the visual design and it offers several ways of reading the news.

Feedly has browser features as well, so if you read from a source that does not offer full text via RSS, you can click to view the website without leaving the application. You can categorize your RSS feeds and choose different layouts as well.
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Finding sites to subscribe is also very easy and fast, because you can search through categories, keywords and hashtags. In addition, users can share news on the social networks much easier and faster. Another good thing in Feedly is that is it optimized for 7" and 10" tablets, so the experience in reading news on this devices is beautiful and compelling.

Google Play Download Link: FEEDLY


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